
Nov 16, 2007

Feature: Violet Eyes

Violet Eyes`s Site


GGotW: What is your favorite photograph of yourself?
VE: I have a black and white art nude one over a box that always gets a lot of attention, My favorites seem to change almost weekly though, I'm always pushing and striving to do better pictures and use more wacky outfits. Maybe One day i will have one that captures what I'm all about but until then I'll just keep on trying!

GGotW: When did you start modeling?
VE: Approx 6 years ago, and i haven't looked back since. I have been performing for approx. 5 years now also.

GGotW: What got you started in modeling?
VE: When i was 16 i was scouted by a high fashion agency- although flattered it wasn't what i wanted to do- I had discovered Dita and Bettie and wanted to wear rubber and corsetry. I set myself up on a photography website for a giggle and the day after had a photographer contact me regarding a shoot- I enjoyed it so much that i never looked back!

GGotW: Where did the name Violet Eyes come from? Or is it VioletEyes?
VE: I see so many variations of my name out there- Its Violet Eyes and it came from many influences- the meat puppets song, the song "Violet" by "hole" and the fact that i had some violet colored contact lenses and someone once shouted "oy violet eyes" at me- it kinda stuck!

GGotW: How did you get involved in the performance side of things?
VE: Again when i was much younger i was at a sleep over and ate night ch4 had a burlesque performer on it- I was hooked from there and did everything i could to find out more about it. The Pole dancing came at a later stage when i wanted to do something a little more different and the fire just seemt like a natural progression from there.

GGotW: Why was fire a natural progression?
VE: Why not! I have always been a fan of live music and the amount of times i have been in awe by the fire performers- it just seemt like a natural progression to try and step my act up a little. God knows what i will want to do next when I'm bored of the fire play!

GGotW: Where can readers in england see your upcoming performances?
VE: Everything is logged on my website at - My next burlesque show is for the Devolution Magazine Christmas party at the Face Bar in reading.

GGotW: Are you touring outside of the UK any time soon?
VE: I'm always up for working all over- hoping to get to Las Vegas again next year and maybe do a tour of the coast and end up in San Francisco, but nothing has been finalized as of yet- keep checking my website out for updates!

Click images for larger versions. All images are copyright the model and or photographer. Goth Girl of the Week has obtained permission to use in this feature.

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  1. VioletEyes is beautiful and a true player our our alternative scene. She has a fantastuc personality and looks amazing in rubber, corsets, latex and even a t shirt! She has an amazing curvy body and we here at Devolution support her in all she does whether its modelling, performing or pole dancing! VE is a versatile sassy and gorgeous girl who deserves some recognition! Nickie @ Devolution Magazine, UK

  2. I met VioletEyes in person at the "Blood & Dishonour" book launch last monday, but before that she was one of my fav models, always very expressive, sexy and confident. She is a very talented woman and is an inspiration for models that are starting their carrer. Well done VioletEyes and keep up the good work! xxx
    Akasha D'Eville

  3. Violet Eyes is an amazing lady, she has great talent and is beautiful. What can I say, Girls want to be her, Men want to............ you know. x

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Violet eyes is the most beautiful burlesque model/performer i know.
    As a model she is so versatile, able to turn her hand to any genre if she so desires.
    A fantastic lady in my humble opinion. Not only is she stunning and talented, she is also very approachable. A warm, kind hearted person who deserves all the success and acclaim she receives. Definitely an inspiration to all the aspiring models out there.
    I wish her all the luck in the world, not that she'll need it!!

    -Burlesque fan-

  6. VioletEyes is a godess.
    Her work is so original and she can portray so many genre's.
    I have had the fortune of meeting her and her beauty shines both outside and in as she is a really down to earth genuine person.
    I wish her all the sucess for the future and hope to see more of this beautiful lady as she definatley deserves to be seen!
