
Feb 5, 2008

Feature: Zombie Kitten



GGotW: You told us your a Horror movie actress, where might we have seen you?
ZK: Well I just started acting about 9 or 10 months ago and so far I have done a short independent film titled Meeting Mary it’s the classic story of bloody Mary with a millennium twist. And as we speak I am working on a film with director John Montgor titled Zombie Freak. Zombie Freak really caught my attention its about the typical misfit kind of girl who arrives in a town filled with preppies and comes out as the hero of the story by saving the town from complete chaos. Don’t underestimate your so called misfits because one day they can save your butt... Look for that in video stores all across the country in May 2008. Ohh, and I have my own You tube show entitled MAD IE it’s a variety show with plenty of horror related topics such as movie reviews, top horror conventions, haunted houses and a little comedy for all.

GGotW: When did you start acting?
ZK: Earlier this year, it wasn’t something planned everyone around me knows I love horror films and knows that even in my modeling I incorporate a lot of horror into my pictures. So I guess some figured maybe that was my next step and after trying it I had to agree.

What name do you appear under in films?
ZK: Gaby Nunez or Zombie Kitten my short filmed was Gaby and my newest film will have me as Gaby Nunez aka Zombie Kitten.

GGotW: Where does the name Zombie Kitten come from?
ZK: Well I am a zombie film lover I mean truly an addict. I have been watching zombie films since I was about 5 years old. So I though to honor my addiction I make my name zombie, but we needed a twist of femininity and well a kitten is a very feminine animal cute but quick to turn if you piss it off, plus it gives it that old school feeling that I love so along came zombie kitten.

Who have you shoot pictures with?
ZK: Well I worked with many different photographers I have worked with Danny Pin up Master know for his pin up pictures I was lucky to shoot with him before he retired from photography, I have worked with Hot Topic/ Torrid for their website, I have done work with Horror Gorrre film as their promotional model and I worked with some great local photographers such as Mike Kelly and Zoom digital photography(if I missed any I apologize I have bad memory) and currently I been really collaborating a lot with Mike, from A moment in Time photography his pictures tell a story I love his work.

GGotW: What is next for you as an actress or model?
ZK: Good question, on that, only time will tell. I can tell you that I know I will be part of the horror world and I do hope to help put horror back on the map. Not the horror we see today with big budgets and great special effects but the horror from before when budgets were small and passion was big. I mean Evil Dead what a film its budget was awfully small but here we are over 25 years later still talking about it, Halloween, night of the living dead I can go on and on. We need those memorable horror movies back and I want to help in any way possible to bring horror back. So I guess low budget B movies is where I will be for a while. As for modeling Zombie Kitten isn’t going no where so you’ll be seeing me around plenty.. I just recently landed on a few website Atomic Pin-Up and Bad Kat online magazine so will see where else I go

GGotW: What got you into goth?
ZK: Wow, I really don’t know I have always been drawn to being an individual, unique and not caring what society might think of your for looking a bit different and having weird ideas and thoughts. I guess my personality, my ideas my way of looking at life and in no way do i mean emo like people think of goths today. I just like the unusual the original and sometimes creepy as people may say but to me I see beauty and originality.

What is your involvement in goth culture, outside of film work?
ZK: Well I feel like my involvement comes from the way I live my life, am not one of those females who walks around saying I love goth and am so goth besides that I guess my likes and dislikes, when i was younger I use to have the whole emo goth look with the all in black fashion and the depressing goth/industrial type of music blasting in my stereo. Today I have to say am a much more happy and open individuals so yes I still refuse to watch anything on big screen that doesn’t have a horror or goth element to the story, and yes I love the fashion but with a twist of old skool feeling to it and finally I like to just contemplate the darkness and see the beauty in it that many choose to ignore.

GGotW: What keeps you occupied when your not doing pictures or film?
ZK: Ahh well my family and friends I love them they help keep me sane. I also am currently working on opening up my own non profit organization, I remember what it was like being a teen with nothing to do. So my hopes are to have a place that promotes individuality and artistic values. If you have dreams of being a rockstar, tattoo artists, actress or model no one should laugh at you instead they should support you and help you achieve your goals I want my organization to do just that. I also love to design accessories so am working on having my own spooky line of accessories for your not so average female.

GGotW: What makes you unique?
ZK: I think we all want to be unique and we all start of that way unfortunately many get lost along the way they choose to look like the In crowd or they dress for acceptance. I was lucky to never fall of the wagon I dress like I feel I want my clothes to tell a story not to be the most expensive and latest trend. I think uniqueness also comes from inside I do what I want and don’t let that voice many of us hear stop me from following my dreams. And I don’t know many chicks that prefer to drink beer and enjoy some horror films rather then go to a fancy restaurant and have wine so if in doubt I guess that makes me unique..

GGotW: Do you have any upcoming projects in the works?
ZK: Yes I do I am working on further expanding my show Mad IE broadcasted via You tube. Did I mention Mad IE it’s a horror variety show with a little of this a lot of that but mainly all horror and some laughs. Like I mentioned earlier am also working on coming out with my own line of hair accessories very soon. As for films well I don’t have any upcoming roles but I hope that changes soon so if any directors are reading this hello, Zombie Kitten is ready for ya..

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Love Zombie Kitten in Mad IE.

    Find me at ggplaylist :)

  3. I just did a shoot with her today, she is a great model and a sweet person

  4. really, she'is a pretty goth girl.
