
Jan 18, 2009

Feature: Scarlett St. Vitus

Model Mayhem


GGothW: Corset size 18", really?
SSV: Indeed. :) The coveted 18” waist is mine!

When did you start modeling?
SSV: I’ve been modeling off and on since I was 13 or14. I started off with traditional print modeling for local ads. My agency thought I’d get taller than 5’6, but when I turned 16 and was still 5’6, I couldn’t get any more work. Plus, they weren’t too fond of the fact that I had a different hair color every other week. The same year I started working in a store at the mall (which shall remain nameless) and met a goth photographer. We shot in a local Houston cemetery (Hollywood cemetery, aka “the 24 hour cemetery”) and my alt modeling “career” began!

GGothW: What photographers have you worked with?
SSV: I’ve worked with Blind Monkey Studio (AMAZING female photographer), Reactuate Photography (photographer of the Goth Swimsuit Calendar), Natasha Epperson (Awesome female fetish photographer), and Jason R. Stone (of the Goth Glamour Girls website) just to name a few.

GGothW: Being from Texas, have you worked with Philip "Lithium Picnic" Warner?
SSV: Yes, I have. He’s amazing. I’ve worked with him only once in a studio setting while modeling for SINched corsets, but he’s photographed numerous events I’ve been involved with. I used to go-go dance at an event called Pan*Sonic back in 2003 and he shot club pictures for the event. He has also photographed several fashion shows I’ve been involved with for designers including SINched, Heavy Red, and Azrael’s Accomplice.

GGothW: What kind of modeling do you like to do?
SSV: I prefer to do creative shoots as opposed to shoots on a plain background. I have shot everything from goth to pin-up to fetish to fashion, but I always go back to goth. When I shoot fashion, I get slightly bored looking at the images. I love to do location shoots and shoots with crazy over-the-top sets.

GGothW: Who have you not worked with that you would like to?
SSV: There are tons! I don’t get to travel much now that I have a full time day job, but I’d love to work with 666 Photography, Viva Van Story, and Nadya Lev. I could go on and on. One day when I’m rich, I’ll travel around the world and work with all the great alt photographers (unless someone wants to fund that trip now!).

GGothW: Other than modeling, what do you do?
SSV: I DJ, act, make hats, make spooky jewelry out of polymer clay, and create “horror decoupage.”

GGothW: What kind of stuff to you like to spin when DJ-ing?
SSV: I love to spin deathrock, goth, punk, psychobilly, and old school industrial. I just love to make people dance! I used to run a weekly night here in Houston called Bone Church, which was so much fun. We had theme nights, costume contests and giveaways almost every week. Some of my favorite bands include: Specimen, The Cramps, 45 Grave, Ex-Voto, Skeletal Family, Ausgang, Mad Sin, and The Flametrick Subs.

GGothW: You've done some acting, Anything we may have seen?
SSV: Doubtful. I’ve been in several short films by Kevin DeVil, including Zombies Most Wanted parts 1 and 2, and I had the lead role in Walking After Midnight. They’re probably on Youtube somewhere by now. I’ve got several more short films in the works right now.

GGothW: How do you mix your profession of Environmental Law with the goth-modeling common fabrics like Latex?
SSV: I don’t mix them, actually…I keep them pretty separate. Although, I do love the thought of walking into the courtroom all decked out in a latex suit with a pencil skirt and ruffled suit jacket. That would be incredibly hot, and I’m sure the jury would hang on my every word. ;)

GGothW: For someone with limited free time you seem to do a lot, are you just well organized?
SSV: I wouldn’t call myself well organized by any stretch of the imagination…I just don’t sleep a lot! I try to make time to pursue my interests outside of law because if I didn’t have a creative outlet, I’d go crazy.

GGothW: What is your favorite activity?
SSV: I don’t really have a favorite out of all my creative pursuits. Right now, I’m spending most of my free time updating my modeling portfolio. I have new hair, so I need new pictures!

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