
Apr 14, 2013

Feature: Madaley Selket pt2

Official site
Model Kartei

[**Editor's note** I would like to apologize for the error in spelling Madaley's name back in 2009. Hopefully we have caught all the corrections to the site. We are sorry for any problems this may have caused]

GGotW: You were Featured as Goth Girl of the Week back in 2009, what have you been up to since?
MS: In the 2009 i graduated from Aristotle University where i was studying "Theology", and started dj-ing as full-time job.

The alternative modeling was difficult to survive in Greece although i was always working with model agencies and working as a model in various styles.
I start learning the Greek Sign Language and when I graduated, I moved to Germany (summer 2012).The purpose was to continue my studies as a translator in Greek sign language but the crisis in Greece changed my mind.

GGotW: Four years ago you said there were no ALT Model Agency's in your home of Greece, has that changed?
MS: Nothing has been changed... its not easy to work in Greece as alternative model. Fortunately there are some model agencies and photographers who support all kinds of models and there are opportunities.

GGotW: Are you still DJing?
MS: I am the manager and djane of the "Geisterwelt team". The last years was really great, various events in Greece such as the Amphi Festival & E-Tropolis Official Warm Up Parties in Thessaloniki, many tribute parties to bands, and participation with some of the biggest goth festivals such as Wave Gotik Treffen in Germany and Castle Party Festival in Poland.

Some guest dj sets here in Nuremberg for : "Schwarz Tanz", "Macht der Nacht" events. (upcoming events)

After years of djing in Greece ( i worked as a djane since 2006 and my partner since 1998 ) we moved to Nuremberg, Germany.

GGotW: Where has your modelling taken you in the last 4 years?
MS: The last few years i've been working full-time as a djane and part-time as a model.

One of the greatest moments as a model was when the photographer Sophia Tsibikaki informed me that i am the cover of the book "Brida" by Paulo Coelho (Turkish edition).

GGotW: What prompted you to change countries?
MS: The crisis in Greece has affected everything. Everyday the government announces something new, this is crazy. So this was the reason to change countries, to live a normal life.
After all, i was traveling to Germany every year since 2006 and i was always dreaming to live in a beautiful place like this! Sometimes maybe I miss the Sea but not the Sun, and there are a lot of Rivers here to amaze me.

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