
Jun 21, 2020

Feature: Miss Cherry Lace


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GGotW: You appear to have a wide range of styles, what is your favorite?
MCL: My favourite dress style is romantic gothic; I love lots of velvet, lace, Corsets and big skirts.

GGotW: Are there any brands your working with currently?
MCL: No direct brands but I've recently been featured in Bombshell , Lipstik , Xpressions and Rogue model magazines to name a few. I have a feature upcoming in Smitten Kitten and I'm working closely this year with Millwood Studios and Khloe Khan on a few shoots from July onwards including one for Delicious Dolls.

GGotW: Roughly how many modeling gigs do you get in a year?
MCL: I've only been modelling for 7 months. I have had around 5 gigs over the past two months.

GGotW: You photograph too, what led to that?
MCL: In my everyday life, I'm a freelance artist and Curator and my personal interest for the past 8 years has been in experimental photography. I don't tend to photograph other models very often but it is an area I'd like to get more experience in.

I've recently received a grant to buy a new camera so i am hoping to be able to start both a new art project and be able to use this for my modelling as well. 

GGotW: Do you tend to shoot yourself?
MCL: During lockdown I've been doing alot of self shoots. Normally my partner would help me with a shoot if we're having a spontaneous photo session but most of the time I've worked with professional photographers for the shoots i do. 

GGotW: What type of art do you do?
MCL: Primarily I create abstract work exploring the naturally occurring patterns in the world using photography and microscopy. I've had a huge interest for awhile in the surface of our skin and how it takes on the lived traces of life's experience so I'm looking to do more on that project once lockdown is over with the view to creating a unique portrait of the self from the patterns recorded on my body. 

GGotW: How have things changed for you during Covid-19?
MCL: All shoots are on standstill but it has given me time to prepare and make plans and props for future shoots which has helped keep my mind busy at a tough time. 

GGotW: What kind of music are listening to?
MCL: My go to bands are usually The Birthday Massacre, VNV Nation, Type O Negative and BlutEngel. Most recently I've been listening to Diary of Dreams and Alestorm so my taste varies quite a bit depending on my mood. 

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