
Mar 15, 2022

Feature: Lilith Regal Blood


You're working on a novel, can you tell me about it?

LRB: The book I'm working on is not a novel.  it is an esoteric book which contains the keys of the answer which coincide with the three phases of the moon.  That is the phase of the waning moon "The elderly", the full moon "The mother", the crescent moon "The virgin".
This is a book that is born with the lunar vibrations and the messages contained in it, come from this: The moon.
They were released throughout the year of 2021, a symbolic year also known as the Aquarius era, the year that closes a cycle in its esoteric meaning, the beginning of the new change, where at its end, many veils have fallen and many things have been revealed for their true nature and essence.
An important energy change on a planetary level, essential for the evolution of being.

The number 20 in the major arcana represents "the judgment" understood as the dissolution of the masks of the ego, the discernment and therefore the fall of the veils.
The 21st "The World" which marks the beginning of a new cycle, or the entry into a new awareness of the self.
The 22nd "Il bagatto or Il Fool" which symbolizes emptiness, the nothingness from which everything starts, to rise to a higher stage of conscience or abandon oneself to the fatuous, to the vain to inconsistency.
It is no coincidence that in this year "2022", there are many dimensional portals that open and each bring a different energy awareness, it is no coincidence that one is today that I am writing to you, portal 22.02.2022
Obviously I have briefly described to you some focal points.

Are you self-publishing, or looking for a publisher?
LRB: Actually I would like to publish it with a publishing house, but all the things that have been proposed to me so far by them, have not turned out to be appropriate or what I was looking for. For this reason as soon as it is completed, I will make a self-publication of this book both in Italian and English.
If, on the other hand, what some publishing house proposes to me will be in tune with what I am looking for, I will consider the proposal.

GGotW: What are you reading right now?
LRB: At the moment nothing, given that I am working on my book and therefore I avoid any kind of influence. At most I read poetry, one of the poets I feel in tune with is Charles Baudelaire

GGotW: What is it that draws you to the works of Charles Baudelaire?
LRB: I love Charles Baudelaire, as his sometimes dramatic vision manages to describe quite complex concepts in a poetic way, the reality of the spirit that relates to matter, and however much it is a purely esoteric content and how natural it is. Expressed in language hermetic and allegorical, it still manages to reach those who are unable to dissect and transfigure this, with emotions, managing to delicately touch inner chords and somehow awaken flashes of dormant unconscious memory in the reader.
Having for years now advanced on an invisible path known as ignote to those who have never entered it and which leads by itself elsewhere, out of any sort of projection and leading to the authentic, I can affirm that the real curse consists in this:
"To assimilate and be aware of things that you will never be able to expose or say for what they really are"
There are various reasons, the words in some cases are a limit, there are no terms that can explain certain things and although with those that are there you try to give a vague explanation, the result is totally distorting the meaning.

Other things cannot be said, they could never be understood, in addition to this the risk is to regress until you forget everything about where you have arrived, why and who you are.
The truth is that certain things are not chosen, they choose you, by virtue of what you are, your awareness, your ability, your loyalty, your courage.
How much you are able to demonstrate, first of all to yourself and then to access the rest, so that you become the custodian of something unique on the way to reach the true self.
And silence in this case is ambrosia, so you are left with the ability to sigh between words only what is possible, since your task is not to lead others to a where, but to ignite, even if a spark, in the remote depths of one's being. ..
Whether to turn it into a flame or put it out only to them is given to know as much as to do it.
The royal darkness accompanies and shows the invisible to those who burn with their own light, otherwise it overwhelms them until of their true self no trace remains.

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