Jun 25, 2010

Feature: Miranda Adria

bad girl goth
Personal Site


black magic gothGGotW: After looking at some of you images, I have to ask, who does your make-up?
MA: I've been doing all my own make-up and photography since I started doing self-portraits when I was 15. I've always loved fashion photography, and dreamt of one day taking photos like the ones in fashion magazines myself. But I knew I needed practice, so I decided to start by using myself as a model, and hence, had to learn all about make-up application, fashion design, etc.

red gothGGotW: What influences you?
MA: What influences me the most is music. I have a very eclectic taste in music that ranges from Goth Rock to Hip Hop to Ambient. I'm also influenced by other artists such as Cindy Sherman and Matthew Barney who are known for transforming themselves in their art.

GGotW: Do you consider yourself to be a creative person?
MA: I'd like to think I am, since I enjoy creating art in many different media: digital art, photography, bookmaking, metalwork, etc. I also enjoy singing, acting, and dancing.siouxsie-like goth girl

GGotW: What keeps you busy?
MA: I spend most of my time working as the photographer/graphic designer for an abstract metal art studio, while the rest of my time is typically dedicated to my own artwork. I never stop working. I realize that the only way to get better and to become what I want is to bust my butt and give it all I've got. When I do decide to take some time for myself, I spend time with my boyfriend, my family, and go shopping on occasion.

goth glamGGotW: What came first; modeling or photography?
MA: Photography definitely came first. I didn't quite see myself as model material when I was younger, to be honest. I was rather unbecoming; glasses, braces, mom-bought clothing, the works. But as I grew older, I became more confident and wasn't afraid to experiment with different looks and styles.

GGotW: What is your favorite tool?
MA: Photoshop would definitely be my favorite, with my Canon Rebel xS at a close second. I don't know where I'd be with either of them. Learning about these two tools have helped me to not only find my niche in the art world, but to begin building a career around art I truly love creating.gothic make-up

GGotW: You've been published, what is this about book covers?
MA: I've been fortunate enough to have my artwork on three book covers, all of which are novels by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes: The Den of Shadows Quartet, The Shapeshifters: The Kiesha'ra of the Den of Shadows, and an upcoming novel titled All Just Glass.
Goth Girl
GGotW: Where else have you and your art appeared?
MA: I have been printed numerous times in Advanced Photoshop Magazine, as well as several independent digital art magazines and in newspaper articles. Recently, one of my art pieces was chosen to be printed in Exposé 8, a publication by Ballistic Publishing that is one of the most influential publications in the digital art world.

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Jun 17, 2010

Feature: Katayna

goth girl in a black dressMySpace


GGotW: What got you started as a model?
K: Modeling was a new way to create art for me. I wanted to do it for years, but never got into a place that I was fully confident enough to try it until this last year. I have developed my portfolio quite fast, now that I have started. It is still pretty new and fresh to me, so it still gets me very excited to be involved in photo shoots.

GGotW: What was the most unique shoot you've done?
K: The most unique shoot I have ever done was recently.. it was underwater and I wore a mermaid costume that I had just finished designing and creating. I used real shells and painted them. I also used glass pearls and crystals and flowing fabric at the edge of the fins.
I was so delighted to find that I could actually swim underwater with the tail very well. There is also a short video of me swimming in it on my Myspace page.

GGotW: Does Dance help you with modeling or does Modeling help with dance?
K: I think dancing helps with modeling, but it's not the same thing. You can't hold a stiff pose and a picture and expect it to look good. You have to learn to relax and play the part..unlike dancing you know which moves are o.k to use depending on the style you are doing. It's not easy to find classes to take for modeling. I have had to learn by making mistakes, and then trying to progress on my own from there. I am inspired by models like Mosh, who seem to make posing look effortless. Modeling has helped me with my dancing, because it has taught me how to use my facial expressions to enhance my performances.Goth Girl in Wonderland

GGotW: How long have you been dancing?
K: I have been dancing my whole life, but belly dancing for about ten years now, and burlesque only one.

GGotW: What style of dance did you start with?
K: When I was young, I started with ballet, and modern dancing. Those were the classes my parents encouraged me to take, and that was all I knew at the time. When I turned 18, I went to a Renaissance fair, and saw belly dance performed for the first time. I was in awe of the way the dancer moved her hips.. it completely mesmerized me. I decided to start taking classes twice a week.

Goth Girl in Burlesque outfitGGotW: How did you move into Burlesque?
K: Burlesque came recently for me. Belly dance was starting to become less popular locally, and a lot of girls I knew were moving into the burlesque scene. Once again, I became immediately inspired and have been doing it ever since I saw my first performance.

GGotW: What do you enjoy about modeling?
K: I enjoy modeling because I love playing dress-up, and also collaborating with different people in a photoshoot. The makeup artists, hair stylists, model and photographer all play a big part in making a shoot happen. I get to work with some amazing people! Working with someone like Nina Pak was so inspiring and wonderful. Most of the time, I come up with a concept myself and put my own look together. Other times it's a group effort.. a little bit of everyone's ideas and they put me together in a way that I would never have come up with on my own. It's always fun to see the final outcome when you get the pictures back.
Goth Girl in red with ballons
GGotW: Is there anything you don't enjoy about modeling?
K: I would say some of the things I don't enjoy about modeling are probably working with people who always want to tell you what to do in a shoot. I have learned to not always listen to what I am told to do, but take their suggestions into consideration when posing, and try to stand my ground if I am not comfortable. Also, some photographers will make you work so hard in a shoot and it lasts for hours, and then all you receive in the end is one or two pictures and it takes forever to get them back! I have learned to make arrangements ahead of time, so that you always know what you are going to get.

Goth Model in black latexGGotW: What is Dark Unicorn?
K: Dark Unicorn photography is a collaboration between my boyfriend Gabriel and I. Because of this, I get to see modeling and photography from both sides of the fence! I would say this helps me with my modeling more than anything, since I get to sort through hundreds of photos of girls, and narrow them down to the ones that make them look the best. I really enjoy styling the models and getting to create a look for them that adds something unique in their portfolio. It is very rewarding to look at the final pictures and think wow.. I helped make this girl to look amazing!

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